 | Signal. Sonderausgabe der Berliner Illustrirten Zeitung. Deutscher Verlag Berlin, 1940 – 1945. |
[ Documents & Research ] → List of Issues and Editions
This list wants to be a tool for collectors, to assist them in quickly establishing which issues and editions were produced. It is also intended as a service for both historians and researchers, being a concise collection of the most essential details pertaining to the publishing history of Signal. You will find a number of important facts about the publication and distribution of the magazine in the 'Notes' column.
The list vividly illustrates the spreading of Signal as the Nazis extended their grasp on Europe. New editions sprung up shortly after the respective country had been either invaded and subdued, compelled to join the Axis side, or simply had become accessible to German propaganda. The cessation of a number of editions can equally be linked to the ongoing war in Europe.
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Click on image to view list (opens in a new window) (GIF file, 150 KB) |
Recent Changes
July 6, 2008: The list has now been updated for the first time since 2005. Due to the large number of changes, I kindly refer you to the previous version for comparison.
The list will continue to undergo revisions as new information arrives.
I'm indebted to the many collectors and researchers who have contributed, either directly or indirectly, to the creation and revision of this list. In alphabetical order, they are:
|  | Carlos Diez, Spain |
|  | Enrique Fernandez-Xesta, Spain |
|  | Richard Funke, France |
|  | Jeff Hanson, United States |
|  | Gert Helsen, Belgium |
|  | Zs. Kenesei, Hungary |
|  | Raimo Kotiranta, Finland |
|  | Markku Kuusisto, Finland |
|  | Jean-Marie Leclercq, Belgium |
|  | Stelio Millo †, Italy |
|  | Thomas Pettersson, Sweden |
|  | Olivier Rondel, France |
|  | Sébastien Saur, France |
A number of gentlemen have kindly requested not to be identified by name, so they do not show up in the above list. Naturally I am equally grateful to them for supplying me with information in the same communal spirit.