| Signal. Sonderausgabe der Berliner Illustrirten Zeitung. Deutscher Verlag Berlin, 1940 – 1945. |
Since the handful of serious Signal collectors and researchers is scattered all across the world, there really aren't too many English webpages on the subject. I recommend Altavista's BabelFish or the Systran Box to quickly translate a webpage. If you have come across any other interesting sites yourself, please submit them for inclusion in this list.
Please note I am not responsible for the contents of any websites linked to from these webpages. // Der Autor dieser Seiten ist für den Inhalt verlinkter Seiten auf anderen Servern nicht verantwortlich. Von den dort vertretenen Inhalten distanziere ich mich ausdrücklich (Haftungsausschluß).
Link categories:
Signal: Dedicated Websites
Signal Magazine WWII
Carlos Diez's website about Signal, which contains a lot of information about cover variants, supplements, and curiosities. If your Spanish isn't completely fluent, try the Google Translator.
An impressive website about Signal, includes images of the magazine covers, articles and excerpts from various issues, as well as a growing gallery of color images. The webmaster is a collector of Signal himself and always has a bunch of issues for trade or sale. Language: French.
Signal: Particular Topics
A brief yet highly insightful essay about Signal that recollects some of the information found on Carlos Diez's excellent website. The site also includes an in-depth analysis of a series of Signal articles from 1941. The authors discuss aspects such as subjects, target audience, and the intentions of German foreign propaganda. This list of articles is also mirrored here. Language: Spanish.
"Signal", la fotografia come sistema This essay by Pierangelo Cavanna critically analyzes the photography of Signal and its function as an integral part of the propagandistic message conveyed in the magazine. Language: Italian.
Signal color pictures from Unternehmen Barbarossa, the German war against Russia. Each photo scan is identified with the issue it was published in, as well as the original photographer. All in all there are almost 160 high-resolution color scans! The only (minor) downside is that they were scanned from the French edition - which, due to its inferior paper quality, isn't very suitable for a particularly brilliant reproduction of color images. Language: French.
A very nice webpage with pictures and information on a variety of aspects of the Third Reich. There's also some original militaria for sale, including propaganda periodicals such as Der Adler. The webpage is being maintained by Davai Goosey. Also see the news page, Davai is the author of a Der Adler collector's guide, and might also publish one for Signal in the near future. Language: English.
An article about the German war correspondents (Kriegsberichter), including several pictures from Signal, as well as a short paragaph on the magazine itself. Language: Spanish.
The German V1 Rocket Leaflet Campaign
Extensive and profusely illustrated article on the various propaganda leaflets dispersped using V1 flying bombs. Includes some details on the V1 mini issues of Signal, as well as a picture of a genuine mini 17/44 (the other pictures are regular copies to illustrate how the minis looked like). Language: English.
From the same homepage, an article about the discovery of the Katyn Massacre, and the way it was utilized and exploited by the German propaganda. Mentions the fact that a variation exists of issue D 12/43. The author hazards the guess that it was reprinted after the Katyn massacre was discovered. Further research is needed to confirm this. Right now it looks more as if there were two versions of 12/43 printed simultaneously: one going over the Katyn issue in detail, the other carefully avoiding any mentioning of the matter. Language: Spanish.
German-Fascist Propaganda in Turkey
Entitled "German-Fascist Propaganda in Turkey", this paper gives on overview on the various German propaganda publications distributed inside Turkey until 1945, including Signal (which was published as a Turkish edition, code TÜ, now highly elusive). Unfortunately it is only available in Adobe Acrobat format as a Turkish translation of the original German text. Language: Turkish.
An article about Operation Weserübung, the German military operations against Denmark and Norway. Following the text is a small gallery of Signal color pictures from these campaigns. Language: Spanish.
Short biography of Giselher Wirsing, the last chief editor of Signal. Wirsing must be considered one of the most important journalists of the Third Reich, with excellent connections to the SS, SD, and Abwehr. Language: German.
Biography of Dr. Paul Karl Schmidt (aka Paul Carell). Schmidt rose to the position of chief of the News and Press Agency of the Auswärtiges Amt, or ministry for foreign affairs, and had some very significant influence on the propagandistic orientation of Signal. It is a little-known fact that Signal wasn't published under the sole auspices of the OKW (the German High Command), and under the control of the Ministry of Propaganda, but rather in close collaboration with the Foreign Ministry as well. Language: German.
The Second Battle Group, an association of British WWII re-enactors, is editing a monthly newsletter called "Signal", which imitates the layout of the original. Language: English.
A faithful rendition of Walther Kiaulehn's 1/44 article The Anaconda System, criticising America for its contribution to the conduct of war. Language: English.
Sub-section of a French panzer homepage dedicated to Signal's coverage on the subject. Includes a variety of pictures compiled from different articles. Language: French.
Detailing the Unit History of the British Free Corps, a Waffen-SS volunteer formation comprised of British POWs, the author remarks: "The first order of business was the name. 'The Legion of St. George' was tossed out as being too religious and the 'British Legion' was rejected as well since it was in use by a UK World War 1 veterans group. It was Alfred Minchin who suggested 'British Free Corps' after reading about the 'Freikorps Danmark' in the English version of Signal magazine. Thus, it was accepted [...] officially as the 'British Free Corps'. Language: English.
Short biography of Hauptmann Peter Frantz, holder of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves. Includes some interesting background information on the famous Hubmann color picture of Frantz which appeared in issue 22/42. Language: English.
Small webpage with a few covers of Signal, Match, and Paris Match. Match was a French magazine closely imitating the cover layout of LIFE, while Paris Match, its post-war reissue (hailed as having the best photographs of its time), drew heavily from the layout, conception and design of Signal. In 1956 Paris Match reporter Daniel Camus avowed, "Our role model is Signal. You know, they were already publishing color pictures at that time. We kept those old volumes. It's something you can learn from". Language: French.
German Propaganda in general
German Propaganda Archive
An impressive online resource featuring Nazi and East German propaganda material, including translated transcripts and poster galleries. Be sure to check out the FAQ for some interesting definitions of the term "propaganda". Site is being maintained by Randall Bytwerk. Professor Bytwerk also runs the German Propaganda Book Shop, offering a diverse selection of propaganda publications from his personal collection, some of them rare. Language: English.
World War II / Third Reich in general
Axis History Factbook
Marcus Wendel's massive collection of data on the military and political organizations and services of the Third Reich, as well as other Axis nations. Formerly known as the "Third Reich Factbook", the site has recently been renamed to reflect the broadened scope of its contents. Language: English.
Axis History Forum
Very active forum with a lot of seasoned members that can help you obtain and exchange information on a multitude of aspects concerning World War II. Also great to hang out and discuss your interests with other enthusiasts.
Die Träger des Ritterkreuzes des Eisernen Kreuzes 1939 - 1945
The unrivalled resource on the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross and its holders. Its excellent database enables you to quickly search for KC holders and their particulars. You can also contribute information yourself as well as post a request to identify unknown KC holders (very high rate of success as the KC buffs tend to catch up on new entries very quickly). Language: German.
Tools of Research
The world's favorite search engine.
Nachrichtendienst für Historiker (News Service for Historians)
Excellent portal with daily press-review updates in German, English, French and Italian. (Note that each press review section does not contain the same links but only items from newspapers in the respective language). Also features a forum, a TV program of historical broadcasts on German televion, research tools, book reviews and articles.